Garden Pic Wednesday: Shamrocks & Broccoli!
It's picture day again! Things are warming up this week, though we weren't unaffected by Sandy--despite being hundreds of miles from the coast. This past Sunday we could feel the low pressure from it. My husband and I both felt like we were wearing an invisible "hat" of pressure around our heads all day, giving us both slight headaches. I feel bad for New York and New Jersey. That was an especially rough storm and they're not even remotely accustomed to such things. Unfortunately, we live on a planet that has--- weather! But onwards and upwards... For Garden pics I have a couple of nice shots to show you. First a recent pretty one my rust colored Dwarf Marigolds surrounded by Shamrocks, which happened to decide to bloom again now. (Shamrocks are the cute pink flowers.) Most years they just bloom in spring. I don't know what got in their heads this year! I transplanted this particular smattering ...