Mama Kat Thursday: The House of Beverley
The Mama Kat prompt topic today is: "What does your name mean?" Beverly is a classic name, an old Anglo-Saxon name, rich in history. It dates back to a time when peoples "names" related to either one's trade or where one lived. In this case, Beverly or more properly, Beverley, was a description of a place. It meant "beaver streams." So, in the early days of England one might be known as "Phillip of Beverley," for example, meaning "Phillip from the area of beaver streams." As time progressed, personal taxation was introduced and formal surnames became necessary, so "Beverly" became a last name. Phillip of Beverley suddenly became just "Phillip Beverley." There was also no standardized spelling for anything back then, so there were variations galore in the spelling of Beverley: Beverli, Beverly, Bevereli, etc. The name "Beverley"originated in East Yorkshire, England (now Humberside) and an very ...