Mama Kat Thursday: My Favorite Cat Quotes

The Mama Kat blog writing prompt today is, "Share a Quote I Love."
I love cats. I especially adore our oh-so-very personable cat, Sunni, so I decided to share 3 of my favorite cat quotes from Pinterest:

#1) "There are few human experiences quite as magical or memorable as being "chosen" by a cat.
We adopted Sunni from a no-kill shelter on the Air Force Base. Actually she adopted us. She responded to myself and Hubby in a way the shelter worker had never seen her respond before. It has like she decided, "Ah-ha, I've found my people."
At that point, she made a visual connection to us and would act over-joyed as soon as she would see me walk into the cat room at the shelter for the couple visits I paid her before we officially took her home. Then, as soon as we got home, she expressed her delight to be with us by running back and forth between us to be petted by us, purring really loud and giving our arms and hands little love-licks. 

#2) "Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains
Lots of people have animals, but not everyone loves the animal they've got--and that makes all the difference in the world.

#3)  "What Greater Gift Than the Love of A Cat," ~ Charles Dickens


Emily said…
I share your love of cats! As a matter of fact, I have a cat-themed Christmas tree!
KatBouska said…
I share your cat love. They are such special little creatures. :)

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