Mama Kat Thursday: Legend of the Paddling Machine
Today's Mama Kat prompt to share about, "a time I was sent to the Principals Office."
Frankly, I wasn't the sort of child that ever did anything required me being sent Principal's Office. But I do recall in first grade

They swore up and down that the Principal had a "paddling machine" hidden in his office, a machine with multiple arms, each loaded with a wooden paddle.
I was too naive not to believe every tall tale these girls spun and the very prospect of being sent to the "THE Principals Office" now terrified me.
Later, when I was in 5th and 6th grade, the Principal's office also became the "school library" and I often went there to check out a book. They had a long wooden shelf unit along one wall loaded with books we could sign-out, including the whole hard-back Black Stallion series by Walter Farley.
I never forgot that "paddling machine," story, though. I'm pretty sure I gave the office a good looking-over the first time I went there to use the library. It was just a small room with a window, a large desk, filing cabinets, a chair or two and that shelf of library books.
There was clearly no room int there for a hidden anything.
There was clearly no room int there for a hidden anything.
Still, the "Legend of the Paddling Machine" lives on as one of my more significant grade-school memories.
For another wild tale those girls told gullible me I totally believed, you'll enjoy "The Case of The Invisible Boy."
For another wild tale those girls told gullible me I totally believed, you'll enjoy "The Case of The Invisible Boy."
So, has anyone ever told you a tall tale?
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