Mama Kat Thursday: The Big Win

The Mama Kat writing prompt today is, "You won an award sometime in your life...what was it for?"

After the military I went to a two-year college to study Commercial Art. During the course of that study, our instructor presented us with an class project for the Indiana State Fair. They wanted to decorate their Pioneer Building on the State Fair Grounds in Indianapolis with 6 symbolic logos representing topics like Agriculture, Industry, Hoosier Travel and so on.
It was a class contest and the State Fair committee would select the winning design.

Indiana State Fair Grounds
Now the Indiana State Fair is a massive affair. It's huge. 
It has two sides with a horse track in the middle.
This photo shows the main side that includes the Coliseum, numerous permanent barns for livestock and horses plus the permanent exhibit halls that showcase exhibits, like 4-H projects from clubs all over the state.

The other side of the grounds was called the  "Pioneer Village" and featured agricultural displays, native wild animal & snake exhibits, steam tractors, pioneer exhibits and so on.
This red Pioneer Farm Building pictured is where the winning art exhibit was going to be displayed.

I won that contest.
My logos were picked for use at the State Fair. My award was seeing my artwork screen printed and hung all over the Pioneer Building ceiling!
For my Travel logo design I put the torch and stars emblem from the Indiana State Flag on a travel bag and I think that's what gave me the win.
That was in 1981.
What was the last award you won?

Thanks for Visiting!

And if you've never seen a Steam Tractor in action, here's a video form YouTube! 
My Dad loved these things and I got to see a lot of them! They're so amazing. They plowed America's heartland and harvested her crops from the late 19th century into the early 20th century. Those who have them, love them and still use them.


John Holton said…
That's really cool! Must be a rush to see your stuff hanging in a public place like that.
Unknown said…
I can't imagine how exciting that would be! Other people could say, "My cake, apple butter, quilt, entomology exhibit won first place at the state fair." And you could smile sweetly and say, "That's lovely! Did you see the roof of the massive red barn? That was MY winning entry." LOL!!
That is awesome!! congrats on your award and being able to see your work on the buildings!!
KatBouska said…
Wow! That's amazing. I would have been have hung up my hat after that. Hit the highest accomplishment possible, now I'm done. ;)

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