Garden Pic Wednesday: Striped Petunias!

Well, as with all things "install" there's a delay. Originally the install guys were to arrive at 9 a.m., but that changed to between noon and 1 p.m. (It's noon now.)  Still, the whole deal should only take a day and a half to complete.
The living room is cold and hallow and we're closeted in the warm den with our coffee pot, snacks and movies we can watch via computer screen if we want, if we get tired of everything else.
 The cat is snuggled asleep on our bed in the bedroom, but will be moved here with us, where her food and catbox are when the installers arrive.
There's been tons of rain over the past week and now another cold snap is coming. *burrrr*I've been sprouting spinach seeds in a wet napkin wrapped in plastic on my kitchen window sill, which is the tried and true method to force quick seed sprouting. Especially with older seeds, like these are. The tiny roots prove which seeds are still good.
Once you see a tiny root, the seed can be planted in a seed starter medium, small peat pot or even directly outside into garden soil, depending on seed type and the weather season.
Today's Garden Pic of the Day is a pink and white striped Petunia that wintered over outside this pot on the back patio:
It's sprouting all sorts of new growth and blossoms!
I love a volunteer!
My 4 O'clock seed arrived this past week and being both brand new and a larger size seed, I think I'll direct sow some into my flower beds the first part of March.
I also ordered some pot type bell peppers I'll probably start in a wet napkin on the sill---once I get my house back!
Here's my cute little "Spring" stamp design!Tulips are a great symbol of spring. Haven't decided what would make a good "Summer" theme yet.
Any ideas?


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