Mama Kat Thursday: Love Notes
There's normally several unique Mama Kat prompt topics to choose from weekly such as nature, favorite recipes, a list of places you'd visit if money were no object, etc. Today's selected topic is: "Something your spouse does that makes you happy." My husband does lots of things that make me happy, being the considerate fellow that he is. Probably one of the most notable things he does that makes me very happy is he leaves me love notes on Post-its. It's not every day, so it's more special when I do find one, usually tucked into the handle of my Mr. Coffee pot every now and then, waiting for me to find when I get up, since he leaves early. There is one especially memorable time about 6 years ago, when he was going to be out of town for several days, that he decided to compose 20 Post-it love notes (heart-shaped), then gleefully hid them all over the house! I think he let me know there were a bunch and it turned into a fun game for me to t...