Garden Pic Wednesday: My Drainage Fix

I've often spoken about having drainage issues around my house that I'm working on here and there, but you may not be able to picture actually what I'm talking about. Below in one such example: This is a picture of my Hosta bed on the northeast side of my house, adjacent to the garage after an ordinary, fairly heavy over-night thunder storm: The water pooled largely because the ground on the outside of the bed is low and, during a down-pour, water also spills over from the corner rain gutter above. (It does disappear overnight generally!) Because my property is lower then the property on either side of me, it often takes some imaginative engineering to over come such issues. Next: The "After" photo: I created a pea-gravel filled drainage channel bordered by brick pavers, then raised the soil level on the other side of the pavers. It actually rained after I first finished putting this in and there was no pooling after a moderate ...