Good Eating Monday: Dill Weed

Today was nice out, so I devoted much of the day to spring clean-up in the back yard: mowing up leaves, edging beds & laying in some pine bark mulch. (Often just along outer edges of larger beds that remain largely mulched with pine needles.)

Today's Good Eating topic is a spice profile: Dill Weed.
Probably because I've sprouted some seeds that are nearly ready for moving into the garden!

This feathery savory herb gets it's name form the Norwegian word "dilla" meaning "to soothe." 
(As medicinal herb it has been used to soothe digestive troubles.)
In the herb garden, it's also a fav food for Swallowtail larva!

Health Benefits of Dill Weed include: 
   * Being an antioxidant with dietary fiber, that can help control blood cholesterol levels.

* Being rich in folic acid, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin-A, vitamin B-carotene & vitamin-C. ( Use Dill fresh for the most vitamin-C benefit.)

* Being a good source of minerals like copper, potassium, calcium, manganese, iron and magnesium. 

Ideas for adding Dill Weed to foods:
  • Sprinkle on salmon or other seafood
  • Mix with cream cheese for a cracker spread
  • Use to season asparagus, beets, beans, mushrooms, and tomatoes--any veggie!
  • Add to cottage cheese for a unique flavor
  • Sprinkle on egg, chicken, or potato salad. (So delicious on eggs!)
  • Combine with sour cream for a potato topping or a dip
  • Add to a sugar/vinegar cucumber marinade
  • Toss into soups for a savory meal
  • Mix into pesto to spice up pasta dishes
  • Dill weed is an essential ingredient in Greek Tzatziki!
  • Or my fav: adding it to the butter/garlic mix for spreading on garlic bread! 
  • Add it to potatoes, hash browns, etc.
So, start shaking that dill on everything you cook!
Eat up, me hearties, yo-ho!


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