Good Eating Monday: No Bake Twinkie Cake

Last night, being Sunday, we have a small group Bible Study for some of the Air Force guys and girls who serve as leaders for our larger Tuesday group. One of the guys is named Sjon (pronounced Shawn). He's six feet tall. When he walked in the door, Megan said, "My, but you're looking tall today, Sjon."
That quickly led to a discussion about how tall he was and about height in general.
Megan said that, according to studies, all of us are taller when we first get up in the morning and that we shrink slightly as the day goes on, due to gravity, so we're shorter by evening.
I looked at Sjon. "So in the morning, Sjon is a tall, but turns into a dwarf at night?"
That resulted in a roar of laughter.  

Today's Good Eating recipe is one on my list to try, though I haven't made it yet: No Bake Twinkie Cake!
Though this calls for a box of Twinkies, thawed & sliced frozen pound cake can be substituted for Twinkies, if Twinkies aren't available.

1 Box of Twinkies (or Little Debbie Cloud Cakes)
3- 4 Bananas, peeled and sliced
1 can (20 oz) crushed pineapple, drained well
1 Box (3 oz) Instant Vanilla Pudding
   2 cups cold milk
1 tub (8 oz) non-dairy whipped topping, thawed (like Cool Whip)
1 (10 oz) jar Maraschino Salad Cherries. Halve or quarter as many as you want to decorate your cake with.
1/4 cup chopped nuts of your preference.

There's 10 Twinkies or Cloud Cakes in a box. Cut all in half & arrange on the bottom of 9 x 13 pan, covering bottom with all 20 halves.
 (You may also substitute plain slices of like Sarah Lee pound cake.)
On top of Twinkies, arrange a single layer of sliced bananas. 
On top of bananas, arrange a layer of drained crushed pineapple.
 Combine milk & pudding and stir until start starting to thicken, then drizzle evenly over top of pineapple.
Refrigerate 15 -20 minutes until pudding sets up. Then, drop whipped topping by spoonfuls over top of pudding and spread. 

Decorating top: sprinkle 1/4 cup chopped nuts evenly over whipped topping, followed by cherry bits or halves.
Epilogue: Having tried this recipe, I rate it as the most trouble free (though I forgot the pineapple today, so it's sans-pineapple!)
*I used only 3 bananas, since I sliced them thinly.
*I noticed applying the whipped topping would work better if the pudding layer was allowed to fully set up, so I added that to the directions. 

* Maraschino Salad Cherries are cheaper because they are stemless.
I used the whole jar, because I didn't have any other use for them. Besides, I love Maraschino cherries. Several went in my mouth!
* I used Walnuts. The picture used Pecans. Use whatever nut you prefer. I believe the point is to give it a sundae feel.

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Eat up, me hearties, yo-ho!


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