Mama Kat Thursday: Lipstick Personality & Ugly Toes

Today's Mama Kat prompt is "My Top Beauty Must Haves." When it comes to beauty products, I have two passions: pretty lips and pretty toes. My sister, Jane, knows about my "toe thing" and teases me about it. She even sent me a mini-manicure kit that's the size of a deodorant for Christmas one year that I still use. I live in Florida. Everyone wears sandals all the time. And I happen to be observant. I look down and observe the state of people toes. I have a pet-peeve list of things I don't like to see: * Un-clipped Claw Toes. Men or Women. * Spa Toes: that's toes that once clearly had a trip to the spa weeks ago, but now the polish is haphazardly wearing off and growing out. * French Manicured Toes: looks good on hands; not so much on toes. This polish style usually requires a little bit a length of the toes, which quickly lends itself to claw-toe. For me, when the sandals come out, the toe polish goes on! I don't leave the ...