Garden Pic Wednesday: More Yard Views

I'm feeling better today. I ground a little fresh ginger into the coffee I'm drinking prior to brewing it, which gives me the benefit of the ginger without the peppery taste.
 I can drink tea; I don't love it. Rather drink coffee.

Today's Garden Pics of the Day are more views of my yard.

First: A back yard view from left corner:
It's high summer now, so not a lot is blooming.
I was working in that corner back there this morning, pulling out spider plants (the house plant) because they tend to take over and moving around garlic chives to fill in blank spaces along the bed border. (They make a fair edging.)
This corner is on my project list for figuring out what to plant in front of the Elephant Ears & Hydrangea back there under the trees, an area that gets strong morning sun, then heavy shade.

Next: Same back yard, other corner:
This is the "woodsy" side I want to add more daffodil bulbs tothis fall.
The bed in the right corner is a oval bed that used to be just a high rise in the yard until I encircled it with blocks last fall.
That blank square (with the purple writing on it) is normally my veggie garden space, but it was too water-logged this spring to use.
It's on my project list for refurbishing with 2 rows of red castle rock blocks, like the adjacent bed, to make it a raised garden.

Last: A view down my shady walk out to the street. 
You can see the block wall we installed last Nov and, in the distance, my Gardenia that I gave a pretty thorough hair cut. The beast is 26 years old and needed a bunch of old joints cut out.
I cleaned out the bottom, too, in hopes of promoting more fresh growth.
You see all the pin wheels? Those are there to scare off birds from my strawberries, but they add a charming touch, spinning and flashing in the wind.
This area in on my project list, too: I have edging I want to put in along the grass side opposite the strawberry bed.

So, what sort of outdoor projects are on your list?
That's it for today! Come back to see what's up with Mama Kat!


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