Garden Pic Wednesday: Pansies!

To put a little cheer in your winter day, today's Garden Pic is my Pansies blooming in the pot just outside my front door right now!
In this particular shot, the sunlight brings out their purple tone, but  at a casual glance, they generally look more bluish.

This year, local boulevard corners have been landscaped with Pansies and a little decorative Kale, which is dark green with a frilly white center that gives a feeling of "frost" or "snow" to the landscape.
(Did you know you can eat your decorative Kale?)
It's just fancy colored and perfectly edible.

And, as a bonus, I have a picture of a pair of neighborhood houses: one decorated to the nines and the other undecorated except for a lit-up "Ditto" sign. (though it's not clear in the picture--that's what that arrow says!)

Here's Wishing You a Very Merry Christmas!


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