Garden Pic Wednesday: Snake Plant Bloom & New Birdhouse!

I was out picking up pine cones this cold sunny day. I use a grabber stick to pick them up, the kind you can buy in a handicapped aid section. We have a couple, since we used to use them for picking up aluminum cans when we had someplace to sell the aluminum per pound. Now I just use it on pine cones and plop them in a mop bucket carry. Figure the bucket holds a minimum of 20 and I filled and emptied it 8 times, that's 160 cones. 
Did I say I have a lot of pine cones in my yard?

Today's Garden Pictures include my indoor flowers on my indoor Snake Plant and my new birdhouse I just hung outside the other day!

First, a close-up of my Snake Plant bloom:
It sits outside all summer, then blooms this time of year every year. This year it's got 4 bloom stalks up!
Notice the tiny clear droplets? I didn't realize it had those until I took this close-up. They look like water droplets, but I touched one--it's a tiny dewdrop of sap.

Next: My New Bird House!
It's for small birds like Wrens, Chickadees, etc. It's metal, though the roof is lined with wood.
It has a door on back to clean it out. I got it through Spring Hill Nurseries which have a nice selection of birding supplies. 
I bought this and another style bird house that looks like a fat cardinal when they were on sale.
I've decided to opt for non-wood bird-houses, because the Florida weather really ruins wood fast. 

That's today's Garden Pics!
I'm not sure I like any of this weeks Mama Kat--I may have a Banana Day, where I do what I want!
You'll have to come back to find out!


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