Good Eating Monday: Taco Biscuit Pie

Welcome to 2015! 
In 1975, when I was graduating high school, I did the math on how old I'd be when the century turned in 2000 and 42 seemed sooo far away! Now 60 seems too close!
Did you make any resolutions?
This week I'll be working on putting away Christmas stuff. Outdoor trash pick-up won't be until Saturday, so I can take my time un-decorating the tree.(it's a live tree)
I resolved to refurbished my two outdoor wreaths with new ornament balls & re-doing the ribbon on the two pine cones that hang on the front door as I brought them in this year.

The pine cone hanger was one I made years ago when some particularly shapely cones were plopping around my yard. I saved a couple with a bit of stem on the rear, ribboned them up and have been using them ever since, but the intense sun faded that ribbon, so they needed new.
For the wreaths I used light blue, silver and purple plastic ornament balls of various sizes, some glittery, to replace previous old and faded balls. I had stock of ornaments readily on hand that we used to used on the outside cedar tree until it got too tall.
That was today's project and they're fixed, bagged and back in the box!

Today's Good Eating recipe is a great family recipe for kids:
Taco Biscuit Pie!
It was a recipe I found in a ladies magazine in the late 80's.
It uses a 9 x 13 pan!

Taco Biscuit Pie
2 8oz cans Pillsbury Crescent Rolls 
1 lb ground beef, chicken or turkey 
1/2 cup diced onion
15oz can kidney beans
1 envelope Taco seasoning
1 1/2 cups shredded cheese
1 cup crushed tostitios
1 cup shredded lettace
1 cup of grape tomatoes sliced in half

Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees.

Biscuit Crust:
Spray a 9x13 pan with oil spray. Lay one full sheet of Crescent Roll dough on bottom of pan, then use the 2nd can of Crescent Roll dough for sides, trimming sections to pan height and pressing together along sides and connecting to bottom. Press any leftover trimmings into dough anywhere needed.

Meat & Bean Filling
In skillet brown the ground meat and onion together. (Drain excess grease off if need with beef)
Add undrained can of kidney beans to meat in skillet and taco seasoning. Simmer for 5 min, then pour meat filling into crust. Bake for 14-18 minutes till crust is golden brown.

Immediately top meat filling with crushed chips, then spread shredded cheese on top of chips as well as diced tomatoes or olives slices, then to oven to melt cheese. About 5 minutes.

Once cheese is melted, remove pan and add any further decoration such as diced green onions or cilantro leaves to top of taco pie, then let cook on cooling rack 5 minutes before cutting to serve. 
Serve with lite sour cream & salsa on the side.
When my husband's 14 year old son was living with us years ago in 1987 and 88, and I was trying out kid-friendly recipes, I found this one and it was a huge hit with him and his friends!


Unknown said…
This looks so different, and yet delicious! Thanks!

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