Garden Pic Wednesday: In My Veggie Garden

It was clear enough today to mow the front yard and put down some weed & feed. (I use Scott's Turf Builder Weed & Feed for Florida) It was the first mow of the season.

Today, I thought I'd show you my new walled in veggie garden and what I've planted in it:
The soil level inside is much higher to protect it from getting flooded.

I'd call Florida an "aggressive gardening environment." 
By that, I mean the soil here is sandy and poor; the climate is hot, humid and either too dry or too wet; the bugs are ferocious and the weeds, tenacious.
Bugs & weeds are can be dealt with; it's the climate that's the biggest problem. For that, I usually turn to my favorite garden seed catalog, Park Seed for veggie seed bred for my kind of climate.

Seed I ordered this year with catalog pictures:

Partenon Hybrid Squash (Zucchini)Key feature for me: it pollinates & sets even in 90+ degree heatAlso it's a bush squash, suited to a small garden. (Not a vine) Also pest resistent & self-pollinating. (In garden picture above)


Corlenon Hybrid Roma Tomatoes
Key feature for me:
"it's foliage stays fresh & healthy even in the dog days of summer in humid or rainy climates."
Super disease resistant, including nematodes. (Nematodes are microscopic worms that live in the soil and invest tomato stems. Big problem here where the ground doesn't freeze.) (In garden picture above)

Summer Glory Lettuce Blend

Key feature for me: "7 heat-tolerant varieties."
Bred to resist bolting. (Bolting means going to seed quick.) 

Park's Beauty Mix Radishes
Radishes grow easily any place, pot or ground. I bought these because of the color mix: red, light pink, purple, white & yellow.The yellow is an heirloom variety.It's not a radish seed mix you'd likely find on a seed rack at a store. Ready for harvest in 30 days.

Red Baron Hybrid Onion Seeds
From Holland.  I bought this specialty scallion seed just because it's a different color then usual.

Amy Hybrid Melon

Besides climate, I also look for seed especially suited to a small space garden or a pot. I always buy this melon seed because it's especially bred the small garden with a vine limited to 5 or 6 feet. (Also can be trained up a trellis.)  This is a Canary type melon ready in about 70 days.

Park seeds arrive in gold packets without pictures on front, but have directions on back and the country of origin listed on front: For example, the Partenon Zucchini came from Germany, the Red Baron Onions from Holland.
So, I showed you what I've purchased and why. What's on a store rack often isn't space saving or for container gardening!
 If you have a small space garden, Park Seed has a number of suitable space-savers and for container gardening Park has 74 still-in-stock veggie seed types!Also Park carries Organic & Heirloom seed for both veggies & flowers!
Whether veggies or flowers, if you want to peruse what Park has, you can shop now just by clicking on the Park on the side-bar, above!
Free shipping on $40 or more if you sign-up for email!

You'll want to come back  next Wednesday to see pictures of the nice bird house I made from my old, falling apart bat house!


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