Good Eating Monday: Eat Your Cruciferous Veggies!

This afternoon I spent about 90 minutes weeding the flower bed along the north side of the house, then for dinner, we met one of the military guys from our Bible Study at a restaurant, because he's been reassigned to a base in Massachusetts and will be leaving at the end of the week. Today's Good Eating is about "Cruciferious" (krew+SIH-fer-uhs) vegetables. Interestingly, this scientific name comes from the flowers of these veggies, which, if they bloom, have 4 petals that resemble a cross. Who knew? Cruciferious veggies are everything in the cabbage family, which includes many veggies you wouldn't even guess are cabbage relatives! The family includes, all cabbages, of course: Red, White & Savoy Cabbages Chinese Cabbage And Also: Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi, cauliflower, radishes, turnips rutabagas, Collards, kale, mustard greens, Swiss chard, Bok choy, watercress, arugula and--big surprise--horseradish! ...