Mama Kat Thursday: Baked Bean Chili

First, before I get to the Chili, let me talk about the recent severe storm activity on the Gulf Coast, particularly around Pensacola.
 A city slightly north of Pensacola, called Century, had been hard hit by an F3 tornado just a couple weeks ago, so Pensacola was a little nervous about this storm, which was rated as a tornado-laden "Super Cell," such as is common in the mid-west in Tornado Alley, but almost unheard of here.

We live 50 miles away from Pensacola and that storm wasn't due to cross our area until  9 to 10 pm and we could tell from the online Accu Weather map that, by then, only the thinnest bottom tail portion of that storm would be passing over our county. So we carried on with normal activity, driving up to base for the singles Bible Study we do there, then being home shortly after 9.
It ended up being no more then just a regular "severe storm warning," for our area. 
It was blustery outside and it rained & thundered, but that was all. Nothing atypical.

For today's Mama Kat, I've elected to share one of my favorite Chili recipes: Baked Bean Chili.
Using baked beans gives this Chili a slightly sweet, maple flavor, depending on your choice of flavor. I like to use Bush's Baked Beans. Usually Sweet Onion, Maple and some other choice.
(The pic is just a general baked bean chili pic from Pinterest; not one I took. I always forget.)

Baked Bean Chili
2 lbs ground beef (or ground chicken or turkey)
1 cup onion, chopped
3 cans (28 oz each) baked beans, any flavor combination
1 large can (46 oz)  tomato juice
1 single can (11 1/2 oz) V8 juice
1 envelope Chili Seasoning
(OptionalStir in 2-3 Tablespoons of Cornstarch to thicken)

In a dutch oven or skillet: brown ground meat & onions until onions are transparent & meat is no longer pink. Drain grease, as needed. In a Dutch oven: Stir in remaining ingredients & bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer, uncovered 30 to 40 minutes.
In a Slow-Cooker: Brown the meat & onions in a skillet, then add to slow-cooker and stir in all remaining ingredients, including cornstarch for thickening. Cook on low for 2 to 3 hours prior to serving time & turn slow-cooker to warm.) 
Yields 24 servings.
Delicious with cornbread.
I usually use a slow-cooker. Last time I made this, I left the V8 out, to reduce the liquid quantity. That plus a little Cornstarch I added helped thicken it up.
So what's your favorite chili recipe?

Thanks for Visiting!


Anonymous said…
The chili looks delicious and it seems so easy to make! I live in southwest Florida and the storm yesterday was pretty bad. Two tornados came through our area. One hit four blocks away from me. Thankfully, no one was hurt. I'm glad your area was unhurt as well. Take care!

Diane Lynn
Lori said…
That looks good! I bet it's a nice sweet flavor and I love that you can throw it in the crockpot. I'll have to try it. Glad the storm was gentle on you.
KatBouska said…
I love storms! And chili in a warm house with a storm brewing outside is the best way to do it!

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