Garden Pic Wednesday: All Kinds of Iris!

I'm going to be a Guest Blogger next month at Katherine's Corner
It's something I've never done before. The series I'll be Guest Blogging for is called "Between the Lines," and features women bloggers all over the age of 50!  The interview questions & posts will be centered around what it's like getting into blogging as an older person and what we're blogging about.
  My post will be featured on Tuesday, May 10th!
And here's the best of this week's batch of "Between the Lines" posts:
To read the full interviews of this weeks participants, go here!

For today's Garden Pics, I've created a collage of all 3 kinds of Iris that are currently blooming in my garden:
Being in Florida, I've learned certain Iris like this climate and perform magnificently! 

Yellow Flag Iris:
This one likes bogs and the edges of watery places. Very tall greenery, 30 to 36 inches high. Mine are in my rain garden and any place that bogs up during rain. 
Has roots & thick narrow tubers that spread  underground. Easy to divide & move.

Louisiana Iris
This one is new last year. They bloom the 2nd year after planting. I have two colors: this violet and another so deeply solid purple it's close to black. They're drought tolerant, but also enjoy bogs, so perfect for a rain garden!
A root based Iris, they will naturalize.

Siberian Iris
I have row border of these in my front bed. They are a deep, dark blue. I have them because I like blue flowers!
It's a root based Iris with a clumping habit and short greenery. It spreads outward in a roughly circular clump.
Easy to divide and move.

So, these are all my beauties!
Stop back for Mama Kat tomorrow & do check out the blog series on Katherine's Corner! 


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