Mama Kat Thursday: Chocolate Memories!

I think everyone in my family loves chocolate. It was a regular feature of our lives. Certainly not all the time, but chocolate cakes were popular requests for birthdays and there was chocolate pudding cake with oven meals sometimes, but the BIG chocolate event every year was Christmas! Except one Christmas. Mother was watching her weight at TOPS and so declared a "no chocolate" Christmas. (You can read that story here .) What resulted was the most extravagant chocolate year ever!! Everyone thought, "Oh, I'll just buy a little," then there we were with a stack of Russell Stover boxes. Russel Stover also makes theWhitman Sampler. We had one of those, but the beauty of Whitman Samplers is they tell you what you're getting. There's a list in the box identifying every chocolate. Mostly we had big Monopoly-game size boxes of the more enigmatic regular Russell Stover's chocolates, which have no list , so you have to just take your chances. ...