Good Eating Monday: Cinnamon Raisin Bread Pudding!
For Good Eating today, I have another one of my favorite "oven meal" desserts that I mentioned in a Mama Kat prompt a couple Thursdays ago on the topic of "Favorite Meals Growing Up."
What's good about this recipe is it just uses bread, eggs, milk, raisins, vanilla and a little sugar & spice.
Simple, easy and fairly nutritious.
Chilled & cut into bars, it makes a great snack you can pick-up and eat with your fingers.
Chilled & cut into bars, it makes a great snack you can pick-up and eat with your fingers.
For bread you want day-old bread. My Mother would save bread leftovers in the freezer and when there was enough, she used that for bread pudding.
Use whole-grain, wheat, white or a combo of bread---but avoid Rye.
Use whole-grain, wheat, white or a combo of bread---but avoid Rye.
You'll want your bread cubes dry, so cut enough bread to make 4 cups of cubes and spread on cookie tray to dry over-night. Then put in large bowl to prepare.
Cinnamon Raisin Bread Pudding

4 cups Stale Bread, cut or torn into small pieces
4 cups Milk, scalded
1 - 2 cups Raisins
4 Eggs, well beaten
2/3 cup Sugar
1/2 teaspoon Salt
1 teaspoon Ground Cinnamon
1 teaspoon Vanilla
Ground Nutmeg shaken over top
Preheat oven to 325 degrees and spray a 9 x 13 pan with oil spray.
Preheat oven to 325 degrees and spray a 9 x 13 pan with oil spray.
In a large bowl, combine 4 cups of bread pieces with 4 cups of hot scalded milk & the raisins, then let bread soften and soak while you do next step.
(Scalded milk is milk brought to just boiling, then removed immediately from heat)
(Scalded milk is milk brought to just boiling, then removed immediately from heat)
In a smaller bowl, beat together 4 eggs, sugar, salt, cinnamon & vanilla.
Combine egg mixture with the bread in the larger bowl, stirring together until well mixed and all cubes are moist. Pour into a greased 9 x 13 baking pan. Sprinkle top with nutmeg to taste, then place in a 325 degree oven and bake for 1 hour & 15 minutes (75 minutes total) until lightly golden brown.
Remove and cool. Serve either still warm with whipped cream or evaporated milk in bowls. Chill leftovers & cut into easy to eat bars!
Keep refrigerated.
Chilled bread pudding squares was another "oven meal" dessert leftover I enjoyed for breakfast before school!
Keep refrigerated.
Chilled bread pudding squares was another "oven meal" dessert leftover I enjoyed for breakfast before school!
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