I've Been On A Life Journey...

My life journey transitioned in 2020 when my husband of 38 years unxpectedly died in December that year.
I was numb for months, yet still functioning thru day to day life.
The Lord sustained me, granting me insights into my husbands death. 
Now, looking back aside from those high-points, that first year is kind of a blur.

Of course, priorities changed. 

First thing I did,  right after his death, was adopt a cat from a local no-kill shelter. (She picked me!) We had a plan to adopt anyway and I enjoy a cat for companionship. 
His death totally rearranged my life--I had to rearrange my daily routine, rearrange my house, my closets, my social activities...
I'm still with the Navigators, doing ministry in the town I live in that's outside a military base, though now alone without my life partner.
I don't have family in town or any children. So figuring out comfortable social activates to get myself out among human interaction became #1. 
I joined a a local garden club and a book club that meet in mornings once a month. Plus I had a couple home ministry activities weekly plus I had a Bible study group meeting in my home weekly for a long while, though, being military, most gradually reassigned.
I had a local Army girl coming to my house for personal bible study/mentoring until fall 2024 when she reassigned elsewhere, but a Navigator college staff person emailed me about a young lady officer new in the Air Force looking for a Navigator contact. So now I meet with her weekly.
More recently I joined a local church small home life group called, "Let's Cook," with ladies of varying ages. We bring dishes to share based a theme. It's a bit more on the social side with mixed age ladies, some of them former Air Force, like myself, which I like. I realized my book club and garden club were ALL seniors and felt I needed to expand activities into more age groups---if I could. (Which is not actually that easy.)

It's an ongoing process really.

Part of that change in priorities was I stopped having an interest in my previous blogging schedule of certain topics on certain days. I'm just not into those things so much anymore and definitely not interested in being tied to a schedule. I mean, I AM interested in my garden and yard, but it's harder to keep up with now, so my interest now adays is making it easier to maintain. To that end, I had two large pampas grasses mounds removed last year from my front yard and, this year, several other shrubs removed. Both times, by a local landscape company I like a lot. They also trim all the pampas I still have and I've also hired them this year to do a mow once a month June thru August, when it's ultra hot. I like mowing, but not all the time and I think that will make easier for me. With all the rain, Florida grass in summer is a beast! 
Also I found an excellent handy-man to do home repairs! 

Another part of my journey in this season of life is going to a chiropractor last fall. It's amazing how just living life can really put your spine out of whack. So, I'm getting better and better and feeling better and better, so that's good news! I should help tons toward being able to do more outside!

So that's where I am. 


John Holton said…
Mary's been going to a chropractor recently. She's gotten a lot of help from him, and I hope yours is doing as well for you.

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