Garden Pic Wednesday: Fall Blooms!

I'm posting Garden Pics ahead this week, because we have other things going on this week and have some beautiful shots just taken today of what's blooming!

Lavender Hosta Bloom!
This Hosta lily is in my container garden in front. I like the curve of brown day lily leaf behind it that gives it a fall feel.  This Hosta is a small type with a variegated leaf. 

White Hosta Lily Bloom!
I saw the first bloom fully open today! It's in a bed behind the container garden on the other side of the sidewalk in front of some climbing roses. 
This is one a medium size Hosta, one in a row that frequently bloom throughout fall and even into winter if the weather stays mild. This bed faces East and gets a good warm dose of morning sun everyday and that's what keeps these babies green and sometimes even blooming.

Rusty-Orange Dwarf Marigolds!
These are my favorite color! They've been self-seeding for years and years, so they're pretty much wild things now.
It's this time of year, when the days are still sunny, yet temperatures care cooler, that these marigolds are at their best!
I noticed about 5 really full pretty sized heads and I marked them to for saving seed by tying a bit of colored yard around their stems, so once they're dry, I can collect them. Then, when I plant them next spring, the off-spring will have the same qualities.
That's kind of garden-hybriding 101.
The petals are wet because it had just lightly rained.


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