Mama Kat Thursday: A Dark Twist

Today's Mama Kat prompt I chose was to write a post inspired by the word: dark.

I've been saving creative writing prompts on my Pinterest board.
(You can read the ones I like.) 
 One suggested rewriting a fairly tale with a different ending. 
My favorite author, satire writer James Thurber, was very good at those, so I decided I'd try my hand at it by rewriting a well-known Mother Goose nursery rhythm with a dark twist.

The Woman In A Shoe
Once upon a time,
There was a little old woman who lived in shoe,
Who had so many children she didn't know what to do.
But the crotchety old man living in the Cowboy Boot next door,
Got tired of the little trespassers playing on his lawn,
So he called the County Family Welfare office,
Who came out and cited the little old woman for operating a Day Care without a license,
And took away all the children.
So, unemployed, she sold her shoe to a young couple looking for a fixer-upper
And moved to Soul City where she rented an tiny apartment in a Knee-High Boot,
She couldn't find work, 
But got lucky playing Powerball and won.
So, she purchased property out west, 
Moved into a ranch-style Bootie 
and took up raising Mules,
until the Mule-market crashed, her property was seized for unpaid taxes and she died penniless, living in a Shoe box. 

Thanks for Visitor!


noexcuses said…
I love this! Well done!
KatBouska said…
Such a neat idea for a writing prompt! Well done!

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