Mama Kat Thursday: Best of the Police Blotter

I wasn't inspired to use any of this weeks actual Mama Kat prompts, but there's been a number of amusing incidents reported around town in our local newspaper Police Blotter and I decided to share those.
 Hubby and I often get a laugh out of some of the reports, because people are either just dumb or kinda weird.

So, here it is, the best of the Police Blotter:

On Jan 12, police stopped a car traveling 100 mph in a 45 mph zone. The driver said she was not aware she was going that fast, but thought she was "just cruising." 
She was handed a speeding ticket and an opportunity to tell it to the judge.
On Jan 18, police responded to a call from a woman who said she'd been jumped by a man and two women who struck her over the head with a pistol. The victim said the suspects had been looking for marijuana because she deals marijuana. She did not want to press charges or fill out a written statement.

On Jan 23, police responded to an address regarding a report of a man seen picking up leaves and pulling his pants down, then back up. 
Police contacted the man and advised him his behavior appeared suspicious to other citizens.

On Jan 23, police responded to a Tom Thumb where a caller said a man had left a sleeping infant in his car when he went into the Tom Thumb and who was reportedly standing outside behind it, smoking. Police contacted the man who said he had gone inside to use the bathroom and had left the sleeping baby in his car. Police advised him that he cannot leave a child alone in a car at such a young age.

On Jan 24, police received a report from a victim of internet fraud. She said she'd visited a "sugar daddy" website where she thought she could find someone to give her school money. A man promised to give her $1,800 for tuition, but told her she had to give him $500 in gift cards.
Police advised her not to give money over the internet to strangers.

On January 26, police responded to an address where a caller reported that in a nearby house that was for sale, they'd seen someone inside walking around with a flashlight. When police arrived, they discovered the person inside the house was the new owner.

Thanks for Visiting!


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