Garden Pic Wednesday: Birds & Garden
It started out sunny this morning, but my 9 am was starting to get cloudy, but still pleasant enough to work outside for a couple hours. I've been saving cardboard specifically to put down in the back woodsy bed for weed control and worked on that today. The area is thick with leaf debris, so I raked it out, lay down the card board, then mulched the rakings with the mower and dumped it back over the cardboard.
Only got half the area done. Will work on the rest another day.
My presence disturbs my the birdies that want to visit the feeder. They sit in nearby trees just waiting for me to walk away so they can get at it!
I'd pick up a couple rakes and walk to the garage and when I came back for the mower, several birdie guests were on the feeder and were so determined to eat they didn't rush off. So I paused about a dozen feet away to watch them, since it was a rare moment to see them close enough to identify who's who.
I've had a pair of very yellow birds visiting the feeder all winter-- soft greenish-yellow all over. Maybe Pine Warblers.

In reality, the yellow on chest is a much softer yellow, but it was the distinctive pattern of black and white face markings I really noticed.
I read Yellow Throated Warblers breed here on the Gulf Coast, but first time I've seen one at my feeder. They like open pine forests. Go figure.
Also I've had a pair of Bluebirds checking out the wood birdhouse.
Working on the Raising Garden Frames:
On Monday, Hubby and I were working on putting together one of t two vinyl raised garden frames I bought last year. (Seen here)
We were just trying it out in the space. It still needs to be secured with screws yet and finish settling it into place. The thing is very easy to put together.
(The woodsy area in the background, where the trees are, is what I was working on cleaning up this morning.)
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