Garden Pic Wednesday: Perfect Purple Shamrock & Fall Bouquet

 We live on the Gulf Coast and yes, we're feeling a little wetish and blustery today. Sally's eye crossed over roughly 100 miles from us to the West. Even so, these things are wide. Pensacola is 67 miles away and they're suffering too much water. It's astonishing the difference 67 miles can make.
Also the most important thing around here is drainage for large amounts of rain water. Older developments & sub-divisions frequently were built without much attention to adequate drainage, so two neighborhoods in the same area came suffer differently if one has better drainage planning then another. Roadways through town were reworked over the past 10 years for that very reason--- better drainage.

Today's Garden Pic photos:
I saw this Purple Shamrock with a blossom perfectly centered in the leaf and took this photo.

Garden Flower Arrangement:
Next, I had this Lavender color Glad randomly decide to bloom this week, so I snipped it and put it in this vase with  lavender tone and green Hydrangea heads. A fall arrangement with a spring-like feel!


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