Mama Kat Thursday: What I Try to Avoid

"Things I try to avoid," is today's Mama Kat prompt:

#1) We Prefer to Avoid Places Where a Mask is Mandatory When Possible.
  Luckily, where we live is so small town-countrified, it's not a thing for most places we normally go, like Lowe's or local dine-in restaurants. 

#2: I Prefer to Avoid Crowded Places In General
I've always felt this way and it has nothing to do with current events. I just prefer not to be rubbing shoulders with others. I don't even like thick car traffic on the roadway.
 I like lots of space between me and anybody else.

#3) I Absolutely Avoid Being the Last to Arrive at a Seated Event
Trying to find an open seat in a room full of tables where everyone wants to save seats for people they "know" so they can sit in a bunch is a scary feeling situation to me. I despise someone telling me "no, you can't sit here."
 It reminds me too much of my school bus riding years when bus kids refused to let me share a sit down. I rode to school standing up in the aisle way too many times.
 As a result, I prefer to arrive early, so Hubby and I can be among the first picking a place to sit.

Thanks for Visiting!


KatBouska said…
Oh you're so right about the seating thing! I like to go to my kids sports games for the same reason. I don't want everyone watching me trying to squeeze my way into an empty spot. In fact, I agree with everything you listed!
John Holton said…
I heard there was someone who was going to "mask required" places wearing a Lone Ranger mask. Hey, they just said a mask, not what kind...

Mary and I are always early to whrever we have to be anyway, so getting there ahead of the crowd is no problem for us.
Patty said…
The entire mask/no mask debate is a touchy subject. Opinions fly back and forth as to if the face coverings do much good or if there will be other ways this damn virus can find to infect everyone. For me, having to wear one at work, all day long, has each day feeling as if it's a week long, not just 8 or 9 hours.

Never really had an issue with crowds, until now. I'm guessing the past six months of going anywhere and keeping a safe distance from others has changed my outlook on being too near anyone.

As far as arriving early at an event, couldn't agree more. But, I'm always the one that someone is squeezing past at some venue because THEY were late...annoys the crapola out of me.

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