Garden Pic Wednesday: Nice Hydrangeas!

Today's pretty Garden Pic is this blue Hydrangea that's right opposite my front door.
Mostly it's blue---though I have seen it bloom both blue and pink heads before. If the soil acidity gets low, it's blooms more pink.
I just add Epsom salts around the base periodically to keep it blue.

 The rain gutter re-do won't start until around the end of June. It will be nice to have gutters that actually work well.
In the meantime, I'm working my way around the house, edging beds. Also still trying to get some annual flower seeds going. The Forget-Me-Knots I got from my sister while home for the Celebration of Life for our Mom, are sprouting. I collect blue flowers, so these are perfect.
My sister had a pile of them on the table for people who attended the celebration to take home. Neat idea.


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