Garden Pic Wednesday: Purple Butterfly Bush

The Garden Pic for today is my purple Butterfly Bush!
This one is a "dwarf," so it remains a compact mound


Other Garden Work:
I've been working my way around the house, cleaning up various beds. This view is what I walk past out the front door.
It has mounds of Asparagus Fern & is home for my house plants during summer. Before I took this picture, it was thick with pine-needles, Bay tree leaves & overgrown with wild blackberry's, which was interfering with the Asparagus Fern. It was a mess.
So I cut off all the Asparagus Fern in order to rake it out, pull up blackberry stems and so on, put down newspaper over exposed soil, mulched the rakings with the mower and put that mulch down on the newspaper around the Asparagus Ferns. 
So now the Fern can get a fresh start and it looks neater. The job took 2 or 3 hours one afternoon.


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