Garden Pic Wednesday: Red Hardy Hibiscus & Mango Calla Lily

Two Garden Pics for you today:
First, my Red Hardy Hibiscus is in full show right now! 

 Next: My Mango Calla
"Mango" is it's color. This shot was it's first flower, but it has since put up a second. Gradually the yellow part turns green as it's actually a leaf and not the flower---the flower is inside.
It's in my container garden out front. You'll notice it has polka-dot leaves. Not all Calla's have polka-dot leaves, but I chose this for it's leaves in particular, for visual interest, since the leaves remain all season to fall.

Other Things:
I'm starting to work on  organizing stuff for a Salvation Army pick-up. I have some furnishings and plan on boxing up the majority of Dave's clothing. I can ask for a truck.
I considered trying to sell some of his clothing, but what sells is rather picky and most of Dave's clothing is Walmart---so not that sellable. Plus it would involve me doing all the mailing---tired of that already with the books I've been selling to Decluttr.

I do have a few nice things trousers and jackets from the 80's and 90's that he'd "out-grown."  I decided to offer those to the Air Force guys who come to my house every Sunday for Bible study. One of them last week took home a classy pair of vintage 80's pleated brown Haggar trousers as well as the matching wool-blend tweed jacket that fit both fit him wonderfully. (size 34 waist)
 He's expecting a reassignment somewhere in Europe in about 17 months, so that will be perfect.
I have few 36 inch waist items to offer the other guys who should be over this coming Sunday.


Megan said…
I can see why you chose to go with the spotted leaves- they really make the flower pop!

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