Garden Pic Wednesday: Fall Blooms

I haven't blogged for a few weeks because I tripped and fell on my front sideway and was injured and that kept me off the computer for a few weeks. Thankfully, I've had the members of the Sunday Bible study group to flock to my aide and be of great assistance for anything I needed done.

Today's Garden Pics:

This is a nice shot of my front bed that's in a spot of land between the mailbox and the gravel parking spot. A nice display of leafy green basil, orange marigolds, then pink Vinca & Lantana at the back.

Morning Glory:
I found this in my back flower bed this week; a random Morning Glory seed found it's way there and took root. I've seen them around the area, growing wild in the brush along the roadways from time to time. But you can tell that's what it is by the shape of the leaves and it's blue color.


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