Garden Pic Wednesday: Sweet Alyssum

My Front Bed is Doing Pretty Well
This section used to be just grass. It's a small section bordered by road, driveway, gravel parking pull in and neighbors lawn. Mailbox is here. I got rid of the grass because it never did well here; flowers do better.
All the white flower is Sweet Alyssum--something new I tried this year.
This bed is starting to look like what I've imagined in my minds eye---lots of low growing color!
 There are some things here that haven't come into bloom yet: daylilies, coneflower & vinca and I have Black-Eyed Susan seedlings I'm raising to add later.


Sweet Alyssum
That's what this white flower is. I grew it from seed. Never tried it before, but it's done quite well. This is a container. In early spring it has Snake Iris in it and now is overflowing with Alyssum. I added the Red Salvia for a contrast.
Alyssum is very fragrant, too! It's called "sweet" for good reason!
When I saw the seeds at the store, I decided to get them because Alyssum reminds of my Mother. She grew it in her garden and I remember her telling me about all her Alyssum.
She died in 2020. 


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