Garden Pic Wednesday: Chick-a-dee Nest

I opened my Blue Blue Nesting Box this past week to see if any Blue Birds were nesting. And I saw this, which is not a Blue Bird nest. This is a Black-Capped Chickadee nest!
I was very pleased to see a pair of Chick-a-dee's make use of the space!

Every bird has their own unique style of nesting building. Blue Birds, here in Northwest Florida, primarily use long pine needles, they wind round and round in the bottom of the box.
Chickadee's like BIG stack of green moss bits topped with something soft for the eggs to rest in. They have a preference for shed pet fur, if they can find it. 
Bird nests are amazing architectural art!
 (If you brush you doggie in spring, empty the brush outside and leave for your bird friends to use for nesting!)


Next, a nice shot of sunlit Bridal Veil flowers! 
(Shrub is called Spirea)


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