I've Been On A Life Journey...

My life journey transitioned in 2020 when my husband of 38 years unxpectedly died in December that year. I was numb for months, yet still functioning thru day to day life. The Lord sustained me, granting me insights into my husbands death. Now, looking back aside from those high-points, that first year is kind of a blur. Of course, priorities changed. First thing I did, right after his death, was adopt a cat from a local no-kill shelter. (She picked me!) We had a plan to adopt anyway and I enjoy a cat for companionship. His death totally rearranged my life--I had to rearrange my daily routine, rearrange my house, my closets, my social activities... I'm still with the Navigators, doing ministry in the town I live in that's outside a military base, though now alone without my life partner. I don't have family in town or any children. So figuring out comfortable social activates to get myself out among human interaction became #1. I joined a a local garden clu...