Good Eating Monday: Slow-Cooker Chocolate Cake!

Greetings! Nearly the end of October now--weather is cooling down. 46 at night on Wednesday this week is expected, which is fairly seasonal for north Florida.
Today I've been working hard on my Zazzle stuff--expanding designs to many phone styles and adding seasonal Christmas items.
Also Lowe's delivered a pallet of landscaping blocks--the kind that stack into a wall. "Before pictures" of that project will be Wednesday's garden pic this week!
Today I have an interesting dessert recipe: chocolate cake in a slow-cooker!
I found this recipe on Pinterest, tried it and found it made a delicious cake! And it's easy. Just mix and let cook. I only found it hard determining when it was fully done, but I think you just have to trust the directions, since the top is moist from the steaminess of being inside a slow-cooker. It doesn't burn or dry out to cook it a bit longer if you're not sure and using a toothpick to test the middle might be a worth trying.
To serve, top with Hershey's syrup and whipped cream or ice cream. 
Since it's just a plain, unfrosted cake, the Hershey's is a nice touch.
It serves about 8 people well. I split it among 11, so it was a bit of stretch.

Slow-Cooker Chocolate Cake
2 cups sugar
1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
3/4 cup cocoa
1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1 tsp salt
2 eggs, beaten
1 cup milk
1/2 cup oil
2 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup boiling water

Combine the above ingredients. Pour into a greased slow-cooker. Set on low. Cook for 3 hours till done and cake pulls away from walls a little. Turn off cooker at end of 3 hrs and let rest 30 minutes, then serve.
Eat up, me hearties, yo-ho!


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