Garden Pic Day: Side Yard Views

Wednesday Garden Photos!
Today I have a two views of some of my garden beds to show you:
First my Hosta Lily and Ivy bed that runs along the shady north side of my house.
These particular Hosta's are called "Giant Hosta's" because they grow into a wider spread then most----but they're not the largest Hosta you can get. There is a huge type. Mine are in bloom right now---3 foot stalks lined with pale lavender blossoms. Strictly an outside display flower. Not for cutting.
The green stuff between the blooming Hosta's is a type of ivy for outdoors. It looks nice, but can be invasive. I have to use the hedge shears on it a couple times a year.
This bed runs between the A/C unit and the back porch. The trellis you see at the far end of the picture has a red climbing rose on it, something I put in last spring. It's pretty carefree. I just snip the ends finished blooming.
The next picture below is the bed that runs along the landscape block wall we put in last spring. The fence is the neighbors. There's a height difference between our properties because that house was built over a septic system about 25 years ago, but a city sewer line became available just as the house was being completed, so they connected to that instead. Probably a good thing for them.
I grew up with a septic system. I'm acquainted with the drainage area one requires. If it had come into use, the yard on the other side of that chain link fence would've been it and would've been a bit mucky, if not stinky all the time. Now it's just a mess of weeds.
Any way you can see I have tons of Rubeckia (Black-eyed Susan's). There's also daylillies and coleus along there. The tall, leafy stuff are my blackberries. I have to tie them to stakes. It's about time to cut out the old stems and tie up the new growth, since they're nearly finished making berries.
I didn't get as many this year as some years, but if I augment what I have in the freezer with some frozen I probably can make some blackberry jam.
The pink stuff is Million Bells. You can also see a little of my garden art: the little pink cube and the "tea garden" sign I made.



. said…
Wow, your garden is so organized and clean--I love it! some of my flowers have seen better days.

Thanks for your reply over at my blog. I left you a comment but will paste it here in case you don't get to read it on my blog.

"You are so welcome. Yeah, those are the best!

That's very interesting! What happens after the second review of a cover? That's what I'm still waiting--to see the black & white sketch.

You know, I could use advice for marketing. All I got is to get bookmarks printed of my book's summary and give them out to a bookstore (if I can get the manager's permission) and to school libraries of schools I used to attend. Other than that, I have no idea. I tried announcing on Twitter but no results about my announcement of an excerpt from my book. Sigh, I hope it all goes well."

Take care my friend and have a summer happy day! :)

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