Mama Kat Prompt Day: The Trip to Colorado
Today's prompt is:
"Share a lesson you learned from your Father that still sticks with you to this day."

I'd never been entrusted with such an important mission before!
I remember scouring over the road-atlas maps, calculating the mileage and driving time, then selecting State Parks at the appropriate stopping points. The neat thing was, my Dad used my plan. The places I picked, were the places we stopped. I distinctly remember choosing a park in Iowa and very likely also selected the The Great Dunes National Park, which was on the way to Durango.
We did get on the train, but we didn't make it to Silverton. Our engine broke down about half-way and we were stuck. For hours. That train in the picture is going back down to Durango---and our train was going up. I know this because I remember that sheer-drop view of the river being on the right and the solid cliff wall, on the left. So, here we were, multiple cars full of people, stuck on a side of a mountain. No where to go and nothing to eat or drink. None of us anticipated we should've packed snacks. We were supposed to eat lunch at Silverton, had we reached it. Neither was the snack car prepared---their meager supply of rather pricey candy bars and soda-pop was snapped up in a wink. Of course, they informed us we were waiting for the other train to come fetch us and tow us back down. It was a terribly boring wait, aside from the brief amusement of a high school class in our car deciding they wanted to make a home-movie of a train-robbery with their 8mm camera, which we all went along with, arms raised, the works. Eventually, the other train did arrive and dragged us back down to Durango, so we never did make it to Silverton!

We got home okay, albeit slightly dissatisfied that we never got to see Silverton, and the fantastic places we saw, like Dunes and Mesa Verde stand in my memory, but most of all, I remember my Dad trusting me to plan our camping stops! It's not so much that he taught me how to plan as he had the insight to recognize I had the ability to organize such details that makes it a special memory!
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