My Famous Garden Pics of the Day: Day Lily & Lizard


I have 2 Garden Pics for you today:
First photo up is another one of the 10 new day lilies I ordered and planted last fall. This one is called "Prairie Fire." It's a strong maroonish-red with a bright yellow throat and the first of the 10 to bloom.
At this time, only 2 haven't bloomed yet: the white and one called "Midnight." Day lilies have a broad blooming season, though. Some re-bloom, some blooming only once.
Prairie Fire blooms once it appears. However the new yellow and "Grape" seem to be re-bloomers.
Day lilies are an excellent flower in the flower bed for care-free areas you want to naturalize or in borders or to use as a medium-high filler in a bed with tall flowers at the back and shorter in front.
If you like spring daffodils, they make a good companion planting partner with day lilies, since they come up first, then die back before the day lilies appear.
So plant your daffodil bulbs among your day lilies!

Next pic is one of my common garden "friends."  This is a good shot of a "Green Anole," which is sometimes called the "American Chameleon."  It has a range of about 3, sometimes 4 colors: green, dark brown, speckled brown (when on door screen) and very pale, such as one I saw last night on the light tan wall of the building we have Tuesday bible study. He was in the area where a light was shining on the wall, making the tan nearly a light peach and he was as pale as his background. We scared him and he ran into a crack.
These lizards eat insects, which makes them very fine predators and good garden friends. I see them everywhere in my yard. On shrubs, trees, among my plants and flowers, on the side of the house, on my trellis's. They, of course, run and hide if I'm too close.
This one is resting alertly on my old trash can we cut down for a planter, leftover from the days before the trash company provided trash cans suitable to their robot arm. Those are green onions you see behind him.
Notice his pretty blue eye.



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