Mama Kat Thursday: Fall Leaves!

Today's blog prompt is:
Write a post inspired by the word: "leaves"

Pretty maple in Terre Haute, IN
I grew up in the rolling hill country of southern Indiana, surrounded by deep woods. We had quite a variety: beech, hickory, sassafras, ironwood, ash, tulip, red maple, silver maple, dogwood, red bud, red oak, white oak, pin oak, swamp oak and sycamores that all turned rich colors of yellow, orange or russet come fall.
Autumn was a gorgeous time, but it isn't just beautiful color I remember. Thinking of leaves also reminds me of the hours of fun my sisters and I had playing with them!
Of course, jumping in a leaf pile is customary. We had an abundance of oaks near the house that dropped ponderous  quantities of large leaves, so it was easy to rake up a big, fluffy pile for jumping. 

Another thing we'd do is create "playhouses" with leaves. We'd rake them into rows forming walls, rooms and doorways, then we'd play dolls in our "leaf houses."
When a bit older, we invented "leaf-races." We'd hike down to the creek, then walk to a starting point far up stream. We would each carefully select a dry autumn leaf curved enough to be a good "racing boat." Also a stick to use as a guide, then we'd launch our leaf-boats onto the stream and follow them, using the sticks to keep them from getting hung up on rocks or eddies.
First leaf to reach the finish line, won.

Such are my fond memories of autumn leaves.



Rose Casell said…
Makes me want to go outside and play in ours :)
TMWHickman said…
Leaf boats! I remember playing with those! Good times.
May said…
Raking and jumping.....raking for the purpose of jumping if the truth were told! Yes, this brings back so many memories of when my kids were small. We had a huge sycamore out back at our old house. Those leaves were humongous and when there were a tree's worth on the ground we could rake some tremendous piles.
You made me smile today!
carol daniels said…
I can't even imagine the variety of trees you lucky enough to enjoy. I've often wanted to see Fall in the Eastern states. Maybe... some day. I live in the West, and we also have beautiful trees, although not so much like yous. One of my favorite things to do is to take a ride up one of the nearby canyons and see all the spectacular splashes of color, from leaves changing colors, that dot the mountains. Fall is my favorite season. I love the leaves, the chill in the air, the shorter days and longer nights, and being able to wear sweater and sweats and all the comfy stuff.
Sailing those leaf boats sounds like fun! We never did that. Maybe I can get my husband to try it with me next time we go to the park.

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