Mama Kat Thursday: The Hated Meal
The Mama Kat Prompt Topic for today is: "Something You Cooked that Nobody Liked." I suppose we've all had those days. I admit there's even been a couple recipes I've tried that I didn't even like. However, this particular case involved my husband not liking something. Normally, when it comes to my cooking, he's my biggest fan. And he's easy to cook for, since he'll likes most anything and is always willing to try something new. I know I'm lucky he's a good eater. I've met plenty of women with husbands who are picky-eaters, who won't touch vegetables or don't like casseroles or left-overs or some other peculiarity. Now one thing I love is canned salmon and making salmon patties. It's something we ate growing up. Plus they make pretty healthy meal. Some years ago I decided to make salmon patties for dinner. My husband sat down at the table and I set a plate loaded with a nicely browned salmon patty and a side ...