Good Eating Monday: Sweet-Sour Cucumber Salad

Today's Good Eating Recipe is one of my absolute favorite side-dishes: Sweet-Sour Cucumber Salad!

I think my first introduction to it was in a Japanese restaurant.
Since then, I've often made it. I like it plain or German-style with sour cream.
Basic Sweet-Sour Cucumber Salad

2 large reg. cukes peeled or 1 large English Cuke, which can be left unpeeled. 
Optional: About 1/2 of a medium size, sliced thinly, any color.
2 Tbsp of either apple cider vinegar or Pompeian Pomegranate Infused Red Wine Vinegar. 
1 Tbsp either sugar (or Splenda)
1/4 - 1/2 tsp salt

About 30 minutes before serving, slice your cucumber into very thin slices and put in bowl. Slice onions thin, too, if you use them.  Put slices in bowl. Mix vinegar, sugar and salt and toss into cukes. Cover and put in frig. Toss again in about 10 minutes, then one last time just prior to serving. Makes 3 to 4 servings as is.

German Style Sweet-Sour Cucumber Salad (Gurkensalat)
2 large reg cukes, peeled or 1 Eng Cuke.
2 Tbsp apple cider vinegar
1 Tbsp sugar (or Splenda)
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
3/4 cup sour cream
2 Tbsp minced parsley.
(A dash of Dill Weed is optional.)

About 30 minutes before serving: slice cukes thinly and put in bowl. Mix vinegar, sugar, salt & pepper and toss into cukes. Marinate cuke slices in vinegar in frig 20 minutes. Drain off vinegar mix. Add sour cream & parsley to cukes and toss lightly. Serve immediately.
Serves 3 to 4. (Tasty with a dash of Dill Weed added.)******

I found this German version recipe on posted on-line by an American military wife, who was sharing recipes she'd collected during their assignment there. Being a military wife myself, I like that plus I knew I was getting a tried and true recipe.

On flavored vinegar: I find them hit and miss. I had a "pear infused" vinegar once that didn't live up to it's name at all, but I've discovered Pompeians Pomegranate Infused Red Wine Vinegar really delivers a lightly fruity flavor.
So if you can find some, I highly recommend it!
Eat up, me hearties, yo-ho!


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