Mama Kat Thursday: Childhood Career Dreams

The Mama Kat Topic for today is:
"Something I Wanted To Be When I Grew Up."
Since I was a child of the 60's and 70's, there were fewer career options for women. My Barbie doll was always either a teacher, secretary or nurse, which were about it for the day, though I was never interested in any of those professions.

Like other kids looking at dinosaur pictures, I think first wanted to be an archaeologist. Discovering huge bones sounded like fun---until I learned how tedious, intricate and mundane the job really was.
After that, I toyed briefly with the notion of being a Veterinarian, even trying the 4-H Veterinary Medicine segment one year, but it was too much science on round worms and trichinosis to hold my interest.

Then, when I was a teenager in the early 70's, a show called "Emergency" started up featuring a pair of fireman-paramedics. Paramedic medicine was brand new and trendy then. I was completely enamored with the idea of being a fireman-paramedic for a couple years. I even got certified in first-aid, but, after further research, decided it wasn't for me after all.

Roy Desoto (Kevin Tighe) & Johnny Gage
(Randolph Mantooth.)

One had to be a fireman first and the strength requirements to qualify were  out of my league.
So, I joined the Air Force after high school instead.
     Oddly, I ended up working as medic for the next 5 years, which served to convince me I never wanted to be in the medical field again.
Later, after the Air Force, marriage and few passing employments, I found my way into Floral Design and spent the next 17 years working in that profession.
It's funny how things work out.



Kristina said…
That's an interesting career path. Sometimes it takes trying something to know whether or not it's for you. I hope you enjoy what you do now.

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