Good Eating Monday: Rosemary Potatoes & Beans with Sweet Italian Sausage

Happy National Coffee Day!
The electrician installed the new light fixtures today. Just in time, too. The light in the garage was suddenly going on the fritz over the weekend, too!  I'll post pictures of before & after on Wednesday.
The electrician is a young guy and talkative. He arrived while I was watching the new season opening episode of "Once Upon a Time," on my computer at and he was excited to hear that.
Apparently he and his wife just recently discovered the program and are trying to catch up with all previous episodes. He specifically asked me for spoilers before he left. He wanted to know whether the evil queen ever becomes good and so on.
Also he told me he and his wife of 2 years just discovered today they aren't legally married, because paperwork for her previous divorce had not been properly filed. So, technically she's still married to her previous husband. Who knew?
They have a sense of humor about it, though. It means paperwork being re-done & fully filed, then the marriage done all over again.
He said he told her, "This time, we do the wedding my way."
I didn't ask what "her way" had been. I assume he means just a court house wedding.

Today's Good Eating recipe is something I put together for dinner this week that came out exceptionally tasty:
Rosemary Potatoes & Beans with Sweet Italian Sausage.
The secret ingredients to this recipe is "Green Giant Steamers Roasted Red Potatoes,Green Beans & Rosemary Butter Sauce" and Johnsonville Sweet Italian Sausage!
One steamer bag serves 2 people, so if you want enough for 4 people, buy 2 of these frozen Steamers and use 1 whole tray of  5 Johnsonville Sweet Sausage. 
You can also select other flavors of Johnsonville, such as hot or mild. I prefer fresh Johnsonville sausages because they are fresh.

Ingredients for 2 People:
1 Tablespoon olive oil
2 Johnsonville Sweet Italian Sausages (save other 3 sausages for another meal)
1/2 cup sliced onion
1 cup frozen pepper strips
1 bag Green Giant Steamer Roasted Red Potatoes, Green Beans & Rosemary Butter Sauce, cooked as directed on package in microwave.

In a large frying pan over medium-high heat: add olive oil and both sausages. Brown sausages on both sides. Using sharp knife & fork, slice sausages so they fall apart into ground pork pieces. Add onions & pepper strips and saute until veggies are tender & sausage meat is browned. Turn down heat to low-med.
Cut open hot, cooked Steamer bag and empty into veggies & sausage. Add a little water to package, swish around to get all that flavored butter sauce & pour into frying pan. Stir all to combine, making sure it's all hot. Then turn off burner & divide mix of sausage, veggies & potatoes between 2 plates & serve.
Enjoy and no extra seasoning needed!
I used the other 3 sausages in spaghetti sauce later in the week and I think I really like that as my spaghetti sauce meat.
Eat up, me hearties, yo-ho!


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