Garden Pic Wednesday: First Christmas Cactus Bloom!

Today was a nice cold sunny day; the first after several days of rain, so it was a chance to get some outside things done: #1 on my list was laying down some Scott's Winterguard with Weed Control Turf Builder. I've never used it before, but decided I would this year because the weed growth is ridiculous between now and spring. I thought it'd put me ahead. It's for fall application after temps get under 60 degrees. Also requires the grass be wet for application, so I had to hose it down lightly before hand. Then weather needs to be clear of rain for 24 hours afterwards. This is different then Weed & Feed, which needs to be watered in. #2 on my list was trimming back the lower portion of one of the front yard Pampas Grass clumps because it was becoming intrusive. Also pulled up frost-killed Vinca plants--though there are plenty of infant Vinca's around that weren't frost-killed and I'm sure a host of them will pop up fresh from scattered seed co...