Garden Pic Wednesday: First Christmas Cactus Bloom!

Today was a nice cold sunny day; the first after several days of rain, so it was a chance to get some outside things done:

#1 on my list was laying down some Scott's Winterguard with Weed Control Turf Builder.
 I've never used it before, but decided I would this year because the weed growth is ridiculous between now and spring. I thought it'd put me ahead. It's for fall application after temps get under 60 degrees. Also requires the grass be wet for application, so I had to hose it down lightly before hand. Then weather needs to be clear of rain for 24 hours afterwards.
This is different then Weed & Feed, which needs to be watered in.

#2 on my list was trimming back the lower portion of one of the front yard Pampas Grass clumps because it was becoming intrusive.
Also pulled up frost-killed Vinca plants--though there are plenty of infant Vinca's around that weren't frost-killed and I'm sure a host of them will pop up fresh from scattered seed come spring!

I can also report that my Roma tomato plant that's under the plastic bag has a little tomato on it. So far, so good.

Today's Garden Pic of the Day is this seasons first Red Christmas Cactus Bloom!

Really, it's the first time I've seen the red part bloom!
 A lady I saw in exercise class at the local YMCA gave me some cuttings from her red Christmas Cactus last fall and I mixed them into the pot with the White Christmas Cactus I already had. It didn't bloom last season.
I've seen red Christmas cactus at the store that didn't strike me as impressive and I had no idea what this red would look like.
But I'm pleased to see it's coloring is amazingly gorgeous!
It red with a touch of orange and a tad pink to it.
As the plants mature together, it should eventually put on quite a good show of red and white blooms!

(Christmas Cactus is poisonous to pets, particularly cats. So if you have pets prone to munching your houseplants, do put your Christmas Cactus safely out of reach!)
So what's your favorite blooming houseplant?
That's it for today!  Have a Happy Thanksgiving!


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