Mama Kat Thursday: Winter Photo Journal

The Mama Kat prompt I'm doing for today is:
 "Do a photo journal showing us what winter looks like in your town."
I live on the Florida Panhandle, slightly to the rural side, since I live in the county outside the town limits. Rarely any snow, but definitely some freezing temps. Here, a "Blizzard," is something your order from Dairy Queen.

This is my neighbors across the road. In Florida, people decorate whatever.

First daffodils in my front bed:

Chipping Sparrows dining on leftovers under the feeder. 

Last, a view across my back yard:
You can see my veggie garden in the foreground that I've been working on walling in with blocks. First row is in, second row to go, then bags of dirt & peat to raise the soil level within.
I have to be ready to plant by about mid-March.

(Both the Sparrows and the Back Yard view were photographed today.)
The pine trees are also in bloom and you can see a shot of a pine tree flower in yesterday's Garden Pic Wednesday post!
Do you garden? When's your planting season?
Thanks for Visiting!


TMWHickman said…
Wow! Your yard looks fabulous! I would love to garden, and sometimes I do, but mostly with cacti. I have a black thumb, unfortunately!
Jen said…
I was just telling husband that we need to be getting ready to plant...and that it was time to start prepping the yard. I'm serious about wanting to get rid of the stupid sandburrs this year!
KatBouska said…
Any winter that involves PALM TREES is not fair!

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