Mama Kat Thursday: I Said That, Yes I Did.

The Mama Kat blog prompt option of choice today is:
"Write a blog post inspired by the word "Embarrassed."

Hmm, let me thumb through my mental files for a suitable embarrassment I wish to share...ah, here's one.
 It was back when I was 24 and still in the Air Force.

We had a small group Bible study back then that I was part of and one day I got asked to asked to present a lesson. (We took turns weekly.)  It was my first Bible lesson I'd ever prepared and presented, so, of course, I worked on it like it was a masters thesis. It was complex, woven like concerto with every point perfectly referenced with scripture--at least in my mind.
I can't even remember what the topic was now, but I remember the mistake.
I was asking various people in the group to read those scripture references as I went along, and, turning to a guy named Dale, I asked him to read, "Matthew 22:27."

He found the verse, then looked at me questioningly. "Are you sure it's this verse?"
"Yes," I asserted with confidence.
So Dale read it. "Last of all, the woman died."

This was NOT the right verse and my face must have registered my astonishment, because everyone exploded into laughter!
"No, no, that's not it, " I muttered, embarrassed, trying to find the right reference. Apparently, 
I'd written down verse 27 in my notes instead of verse 37, which is the one I'd wanted. 
"Read Matthew 22 verse 37," I quickly corrected and he did.
The rest of the lesson finished up smoothly after that, but it was a good lesson in humility that nothing works perfectly.
This occurred when Hubby and I were both single and he'd been part of that group back then. He remembers the event quite well and we both laughed about it again when I mentioned I was going to share it for today's Mama Kat!

So, do you have any mistakes you're famous for?
Thanks for visiting!
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Tammigirl said…
I do, oh boy do I! I think we would be such boring people if we were all perfect. :)
KatBouska said…
Last of all, the woman died...of embarrassment. I feel like that verse would forever be etched in my memory after that!

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