Garden Pic Wednesday: Curly Parsley & Glad Bouquet!
It's supposed to thunderstorm later this afternoon/evening, so I've been mowing the front yard. I did the back on Memorial Day. In fact, I spent 3 hours working outside. Not just mowing, but I had around 9 hybrid day lilies that I needed to move to sunnier locations on the south or east beds. They'll be happier. Day lilies prefer a good amount of sun. Today, now that mowing is done, I want to work on moving some of the Bugleweed to a shady back bed. (I'm on lunch break right now.) Today's Garden Pics: First: What I See When I Look Out Our Sliding Glass Door: This beautiful, huge Curly Parsley with the Red Salvia behind it! So pretty! I have an arrangement of 3 pots on the patio, all with herbs and either red Petunias or Red Salvia or both in them. There are two types of Parsley : Flat & Curly. I like the Curly because it's showier! In the deep south, Parsley winters over. I planted this one last spring. Parsley is a bi-annual, meaning...