Garden Pic Wednesday: New Yard Art & Bush Peas!

It's still so lovely out right now! Sunny, yet cool. My kind of weather! It's fun working outside right now; it will be less so when temps get sweltering.
I put a couple honeydew rinds out in the back yard the other day for any Box Turtles. They like that sort of thing.
This morning I saw Mr. Albino-head enjoying them.
I replaced them this afternoon with a couple watermelon rinds.

One of today's tasks was cleaning up and tying up the climbing rose on the corner of the house. It was done with it's first round of blooming and dead-head snipping and new growth needed tying to the trellis. I bought rose fertilizer this year for the first time and now that climbing rose has exploded with new growth finally becoming the rose I'd wanted it to be when I planted it 3 years ago.
Definitely--if you have roses, buy the rose fertilizer! It makes a world of difference! Watering with Miracle-Gro alone just doesn't make the grade.

Today's Garden Pics:
My Newest "Yard Art" Addition:
It's an old copper mold tin Mother gave me last year and it's been waiting for me to decide what to do with it. I knew I wanted to paint a Black Eyed Susan on it--but where would it be the best displayed?
I could see the metal post with metal leaves from my back door. It used to have a metal daisy bird house on the top that just rusted out and fell apart, but the post has been a great thing for tying my Butterfly Bush to. (Though that bush died back last winter and has sprouted anew from the root.) 
The post has metal leaves already, so why not hang the copper mold there like a flower? Perfect.

Containter Bush Sugar Peas:
My sister ordered Container Bush Sugar Peas this spring that are especially designed for container growing. They're supposed to not get larger then 8 to 10 inches tall. I brought back 5 of those pea seeds to try out after our visit home in March. I planted them directly into the ground, since I didn't have a container that wasn't already committed.
They're about 5 inches tall so far and starting to bloom. They have climbing tendrils as all peas do. I can see they might have a tendency to drape in a container, since mine were laying on the ground. Their stems aren't sturdy enough to hold them upright, so I added tent stakes today to tie them to, so their blossoms, and later peas, wouldn't be laying on ground where they could get overly wet.
 I think even in a container a central stake or two for them to climb on would be a good idea.

I'll have to see how they produce.

I also planted 3 new Zucchini seeds. One plant was clearly sickly, so I pulled it up and replaced it with a  new seed.
I think the pack came with 15 seeds total and I've decided I'm going to use them all this year if I can, so they don't go to waste.
Plus, they're a heat tolerant breed, which is what I need here.
What's growing in your garden?
That's it for today! Check back for Mama Kat tomorrow!


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